The writing process is funny. Sometimes the stories that I share here on the blog take time to form in my head, and sometimes they flow so quickly. I’ve been turning this story over in my mind for awhile now, trying to figure out exactly what it was that I wanted to share. You see, almost two years ago I visited my grandparents with my phone recording app in hand. I wanted to interview them about their lifestyle in the early years of their marriage when they had babies the same age as mine. I had a hunch that the whole minimalism movement that was becoming a huge trend was not a new idea, and that my grandparents were actually the coolest and ultimate minimalists.
When I called them up and asked if I could interview them about those early years in their marriage they happily agreed. My Grandma told all her friends that “a woman was coming to interview her for a feature story” which made me smile. My grandparents and their friends love reading this blog!
The day of our visit I had my list of questions ready and a new recording app downloaded on my phone. We settled into their living room and started talking about those early years, how they came home from the hospital with two babies but they only had one crib, because back then people didn’t know when they were having twins! I can tell you how my Grandma painted nail polish on the toe of one of the twins because she was nervous about mixing the babies up. I can share how my Grandpa started a collection of envelopes for their budget and he placed money inside for their monthly expenses, and how the envelope designated to hold funds for baby shoes always seemed to empty out the quickest since they had two growing twin babies! I can tell you how all their kids’ toys fit into one toybox, and how everyone’s clothes fit easily into their closets, because they had exactly what they needed. I can assure you that everyone in their neighborhood lived similar lifestyles, and that they had so much fun spending time over the years with the other families who lived around them. And that living within their means, taking excellent care of their belongings, and being content with what they had allowed them to enjoy many wonderful years as a family.
But what I really want to tell you, what I’ve been carrying in my heart for almost two years now, is the moment my Grandpa looked across the room at my Grandma, and with a twinkle in his eye and the sweetest smile on his face, said “My life was nothing before I met your Grandma. She’s made my whole life wonderful. I don’t even want to think about what my life would have looked like without her.” And they smiled at each other, full of love and appreciation for each other.
Friends, it was such a beautiful moment that my breath caught in my chest and my eyes filled with tears. And somehow, the idea of writing a story about minimalism faded in the presence of such love.
My Grandpa talked about how he was living in a rented room, eating his meals at a local diner and taking the bus downtown to his job. My great-great grandma lived next door to my Grandpa’s best friends, and every time my great-great grandma saw he was visiting his friends she would climb up and unscrew the light bulbs. Then she would tell my Grandma to run next door and ask if my Grandpa could come help fix their lights. And how after several visits fixing the very unreliable electric, my Grandpa finally worked up the courage to ask my Grandma if he could drive her home. The fact that he didn’t own a car was a minor detail. When she said yes, he ran next door to his friend’s house and announced that he needed to borrow their car right away, because my Grandma had agreed that he could drive her home! When they went out on their first date he joked that he had rented the bus they were riding just for her, and she pretended to be impressed.
Their eyes danced as they laughed, recalling those early years in their relationship. And friends, it was an honor and a privilege to listen and record their story. After all these years they still absolutely adore each other, and it is a beautiful thing to behold.
So, after turning this story around in my head for months upon months, I finally realized that what I wanted to share with you was not about a minimalist lifestyle, but a beautiful love story. One that I carry with me in my heart, that inspires me and makes me so grateful. What a gift my grandparents have given our family, a deep and true love, and the beautiful life they’ve built. I am forever grateful. And it is an honor to share stories of their life and love with you.
With Love,
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This is the sweetest story of love I’ve ever heard!! I’m not a bit surprised though! I bet they have ice cream on their birthdays!!!❤️❤️
What a lovely, LOVELY story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. What a blessing!