Life has an interesting way of changing our plans, even the really good plans we make for all the right reasons. When we sold our stone house almost two years ago it was with the intention to live near my shop and closer to my husband’s work and simplify our lives. We rented a loft apartment … [Read More...]
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Courage In The Face Of Risk
I’ve been thinking a lot about risk recently….. The other day a reporter interviewed me for an article, and she asked me how I found the courage to take on such a big risk. She was impressed that we bought a second commercial building and are in the process of growing my shop during a … [Read More...]

Loft Living
Loft living is agreeing with us! We’ve been living in our lofted apartment for almost four months, and our family is absolutely loving it! It was a big change to go from our castle on two acres to living in less than 1,000 sq ft and no yard. Throw in a global pandemic and remote learning at home for … [Read More...]

Quarantine Fifteen and Run On Sentences
I keep trying to sit down and write, but whatever I start to write I end up putting to the side and starting over, so I finally figured I should just let my fingers type away and let all these random thoughts that are rolling around in my head spill out. How are you, friends? If you are reading this … [Read More...]

Goodbye Old House, Hello New Place!
Oh Friends, it has been so long since I’ve shared with you on this blog! Phew, it’s been a journey since I last wrote about connecting with the grandchildren of the original owners of our little castle. There is so much I want to share with you, and I’m sure I’ll write several blog posts about the … [Read More...]

Discovering the History of Our Castle!
Friends, the most amazing thing has happened recently! If you’ve been following along on our restoration journey with our beautiful castle, you know my deep love for this house. It was built in 1927 by a couple named John and Ruth. I’ve been on a mission for the past five years to preserve and … [Read More...]